Tomb Invader (2018)


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Yay! It’s yet another mockbuster from The Asylum. When was the last time you heard these saviors of shark films? They have come back to the mockbuster roots. Tomb Invader is a low-budget ‘homage’ to the Tomb Raider series. And guess when it was set to release? A week before the blockbuster reboot starring Alicia Vikander. More of The Asylum’s brilliant marketing ploys, if you ask me.

Now, after not-so-subtle hints of telling you how Tomb Invader is, let me shift focus a little. There is a disclaimer Like many of you, I consider myself a huge fan of The Asylum. And no, I do not mean the ones only restricted to Sharknado and its many numerous sequels or the varying other killer fish films they have created. The list of my favorite ones from this eternally productive studio is long, including Avengers Grimm, Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies, Hercules Reborn, and endless more. And the cherry on top? They all happen to be mockbusters like this particular flick.

So now you see, like I told you, this is bound to be a masterpiece. Let me remind everyone why Tomb Raider’s plot had so many different layers involving Lara Croft’s father, his business, and the ancient relic. This film has a far simpler story, rather an archaeologist is enlisted by an enigmatic billionaire to assist in his quest to locate a relic from ancient China. A treasure that the mother of this archaeologist was once trying to find before she mysteriously disappeared.

Actress Gina Vitori leads the film as the archaeologist Alabama Channing, who bears a striking likeness to both Alicia Vikander and Lara Croft of Tomb Raider and its sequel, Rise of the Tomb Raider. Given her performance, which appears unable to express any range of emotions aside from calm, I’m certain it was her face that probably got her the gig this time around. The rest of the cast is completed by a bunch of non-descript, generic, characters with the exception of Nathan, a play on Nathan Drake of the Uncharted video game series.

As for yes, this is not simply a spin-off of Tomb Raider. No, The Asylum also uses the ‘treasure hunter’ cliché to ridicule both the Uncharted video game series and Indiana Jones. This means this is a three in one offer. A veritable bazaar [basement] of movie tributes after all why spoof one film if instead you can do more than one simultaneously some would consider that a leap forward for the makers of Atlantic Rim and Transmorphers exactly that’s for sure!

Less raiding of tombs and more circling around the woods of Los Angeles, Tomb Invader is somewhat a throwback to The Asylum’s roots, abandoning any pretense of creativity to make a quick and VERY easy money grab on a more popular Hollywood blockbuster. If that is your cup of tea (and it certainly is mine), you will find plenty to enjoy about this movie.

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