In my opinion, ever since The Stooges quit producing their movies, no one has done a commendable job. However, I think The Farrell Brothers did the best they could do when coming up with a The Three Stooges movie, and made a really great one for 2012. There are some pieces in their movie that have the look and feel of a classic stooge movie alongside a few of the famous gags, so I give credit where it’s due.
In my case, I completely skipped out on The Three Stooges when growing up. For a peculiar reason, they weren’t available on stations in my hometown or neighborhood, or by the time I was old enough to enjoy them, they moved to a different town. I can guarantee that many parents out there will want to relive these experiences with their children, and I’m sure children will love them too!
For instance, at the screening I went to, Mancow Muller attended with his twin daughters, Ava Grace and Isabella Sofia, who were adorable. I’m sure he was appreciative of the public service announcement at the end of the film featuring two actors impersonating the Farrellys, which showed audiences that the hammers and sledgehammers the Stooges used to hit their friends were made out of rubber. They even did a slow-motion cut and demonstrated that no Stooge is actually getting poked in the eye; you’re aiming at the eyebrows.
Like everything else in the film, this preventive lecture reminded me of the period in this country when the Stooges ruled kiddie matinees and low grade television. As usual with them, “Warning kiddos!” was keen to always tell them to be careful.
“You can’t do this yourself!” as solemnly told stories go, were told about the kid who shot his eye out with a BB gun, or the one who drank a whole lot of Kool-Aid and then RC Cola and his stomach exploded. From what I can remember, nobody was actually swung on with a sledgehammer.
The casting of the three leads is just about ideal. Sean Hayes, Will Sasso, and Chris Diamantopoulos are cast as Larry, Curly and Moe respectively, and are portrayed well enough to not have any excuses for complaints. This movie has been in development hell for something like a decade and managed to stay alive through the bankruptcy of MGM.
Maybe we should be thankful for the postponement. Over the years, websites reported ranting and raving over stars like Benicio del Toro, Sean Penn, Hank Azaria, Johnny Knoxville, and Jim Carrey, but at least it improves the situation because it’s less eye catching. I admire how well Sean Penn acts, but I’m not sure whether I could embrace the character’s spirit with him as Larry.
It is a wise choice that the film kept it brief. The 92-minute running time is split into three parts. These segments are connected by the Stooges’ upbringing in an orphanage. For some reason, there seems to be a reluctance on the part of people for some reason to adopt them. The second and third parts are focused on the stamdordorphanage and the pledge by the three stooges to raise $830,000 almost overnight to keep it from closing.
The actors in the orphanage were perfectly matched as well: Jane Lynch takes on the role of Mother Superior, while comic Larry David portrays the strict Sister Mary Mengele, and Jennifer Hudson turns in a performance as the thin but cuddly Sister Rosemary.
While the Stooges pilfer the city looking for money, they get wrapped up in a murder conspiracy against a very rich man, and Moe stumbles into unexpected fame among the actors of the well known television show, which I will not disclose.
Yes, there’s more, but this is my last point I didn’t laugh that much. I don’t think the Stooges are funny. Perhaps I once did, but now I don’t. Some of the sight gags were clever, but meh. The three leads did an admirable job of impersonation, though. I think this might be pretty much the movie Stooges fans were looking for, but I have no idea what their children will think about it. Personally, I am just left wondering, was it really needed?
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