Probably the most accurate rendition of the Three Stooges story was done by the Farrelly Brothers in 2012, and maybe ever since they stopped doing it themselves. A lot depends on if that is what you wanted to hear. The “The Three Stooges” movie has all the characteristics of a classic Stooges picture, and is packed with plenty of classic and probably some of the same gags. So there’s that.
During my childhood, I did not catch The Three Stooges shows at all. They either aired in different regions, we had no TV or showed up much after my time. I am nearly certain that I would have found it hilarious. Surely many parents would love to relive their childhood and share with their kids.
I remember attending the screening and Mancow Muller happened to be there with his cute twin daughters, Ava Grace and Isabella Sofia. I think he appreciated the public service announcement at the end of the movie, where two actors posing as the Farrellys told audiences that the hammers and sledgehammers the Stooges hit each other over the head with were, in fact, rubber props. That was also when they demonstrated with slow motion how no Stooge is actually being shoved in the eye; you shoot for the eyebrows instead.
This warning in particular reminded me of the era when the Stooges dominated children’s matinees and the more affordable television channels. “Warning – kids!” they were constantly told.
“Don’t try this yourself!” There were grim tales about the boy who blindly shot his eye out with a BB gun, or drank an excessive amount of Kool-Aid and then an RC Cola, which caused his stomach to explode. As far back as my memory goes, I can tell you that no one was actually hit in the head with a sledgehammer.
The casting is done oldukça well. Larry, Curly and Mo are played by Sean Hayes, Will Sasso and Chris Diamantopoulos, who do not need to be photoshopped too much to the originals. This film has been in development hell for what seems like 10 years and put up with MGM’s bankruptcy.
I guess we should thank them for the delay. Over the years, websites slavishly reported the casting of such actors as Benicio del Toro, Sean Penn, Hank Azaria, Johnny Knoxville, and Jim Carrey, but this is better this way because it is less distracting. Sean Penn is an exemplary actor, but getting into the spirit with him as Larry is something I just don’t know.
The film does well to strike a balance between too much and too little. Its sensed length is 92 minutes and is broken into three parts, which are all connected by the Stooges being raised in an orphanage. They lived there not just as kids, but throughout their whole life till now, for some reason as there were always adults wanting to adopt them. The second and third parts center on the bankrupting of the orphanage, and the promise by the Stooges to somehow manage to collect $830,000 in a very short period and keep the place open.
The supporting nuns of the orphanage are accurately portrayed as well: Mother Superior voiced by Jane Lynch, Larry David (yes, that Larry David) takes the role of the domineering Sister Mary Mengele, and Jennifer Hudson, svelte and gracious, plays Sister Rosemary.
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