Did you notice anything interesting on Freevee? Some weekends back, I managed to watch this movie (which was first shown on Showtime). The Outsider (adapted from a Penelope Williamson novel) is a Western drama romance filmed in Australia during the late 1880s. Its central plot revolves around the forbidden love a widowed mother, Rebecca Yoder (Naomi Watts), from a Mennonite-like sect, has for a gunman, Johnny Gault (Tim Daley), whom she nurses back to health after shooting him. Noah (Keth Carradine) is Rebecca’s friend/neighbor; he is a widower with a teenage son. His community doctor is played by his real-life older brother, David Carradine. The big bad from the LOTR trilogy, Mr. Hunter, is played by John Noble, a known Aldie actor. The director (Randa Haines) is known for various other award-winning films.
This is not your typical Western movie with shoot-outs, although it does have some action-packed scenes. The sight is very nice, but the sets, costumes, and so on are basic. The members of Rebecca’s community are referred to as the plain people, and they are non-confrontational and pacifistic. Early on, we are shown some of the events that led to the death of her husband. Sometimes, the citizens will attempt to exploit this tranquil society. The worst one of all is Mr. Hunter a man of influence who is fearful and expands his holdings. Approximately a year later, a man wearing soiled clothing stumbles onto her land with a bullet stuck in his stomach. Forthwith, Rebecca and her little boy (Benjo) bring him to their log cabin. When Rebecca unwraps the guns, knives, and bullets the man had on him, she is shocked. We wonder if this is a good man or one that is a criminal (who might be dangerous) After removing the bullet, the doctor says that the outsider is likely to die shortly. But Rebecca is not convinced she helps him heal (going out of her way too) and prays for his life.
As time passes, Rebecca and Johnny begin to form a connection, as he recovers from whatever injury he has. To her delight, he knows the Bible. Johnny loves how funny and human she is. She is more of a ‘religious’ person than spiritual. To her, religion is everything that surrounds her. Johnny gets playfully scolded for trying to play music in the background and is teasing with Rebecca. To his surprise, Rebecca is crazy about music. But, she cannot play it because her people will not allow her to. The reason why Rebecca feels some attraction toward Johnny is because he respects her. Some (foremost) stereotypes are present in romance novels, however, some scenes are refreshing and aren’t the customary tropes that one expected. Even today, there are NOT many films that deal with the topic of women’s desire Watts, who is Australian, is incredibly talented and has gone on to perform in some amazing roles. She always does well. Daly, an American comedian for many years, gets the chance to show that he can do more than just simple comedy. It’s great how well they interact!
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