The Blood Beast Terror (1968)


It is a good thing that at least Peter Cushing was around to star in The Blood Beast Terror. The beloved British actor fits well into the role of Inspector Quennell, a mostly undistinguished professional detective who, in the company of Robert Flemyng, Wanda Ventham and David Griffin, is sent to tackle a few strange murders that have occurred in the rather dull countryside of London. However, the torpor of the community seeps through the celluloid. And there’s nothing anybody can do to stop it Cushing himself, who can always be relied upon- check.

Coming to The Blood Beast Terror, which I have heard is not the most captivating of horror films, I came prepared with a nice all-natural, healthy, and well-caffeinated drink. But, as Peter Martin, my editor over at Screen Anarchy put it, “This movie looks as though the makers intended it to function as the cure for insomnia”. Most unfortunate considering that so many of the venerable Hammer horror components seem to be in place: A menace which turns out to be something else- check. An old-world domain populated by the steely upper class- check, check, check. Positive madness science check. And finally, yes Peter Cushing who is committed no matter to what level of dreck- check. Nope, this isn’t Hammer horror. Strangely enough, at times it is barely even that.

Even though the film has some poorly executed elements, having been directed by Vernon Sewell, who novelist and critic Kim Newman, along with writer and editor, Stephen Jones, refers to as “a journeyman director at best,” Blood Beast Terror remarkably survives the culture. The film certainly benefits from its Hammer-quality attributes which is undeniably its best feature. The film is also known for being presented in home videos. The latest film copy from Kino Lorber came along with a 2012 2K restoration, some trailers, and commentary.

However sceptical one may be about the claim of the 2012 2K restoration, rest assured, the feel-good conversations shared by Newman make this Blu-ray edition worth buying. While many of us may not be able to learn much from genre films as compared to Newman, there is no doubt that he is fun to spend time with, especially knowing his thoughts on topics rather far away from the beaten path.

on the other hand, happen to agree with the statement with the claim likely being tied to the 2012 Blu-ray edition released by the niche horror imprint Redemption Films.

Kino Lorber seems to have obtained North American rights to Redemption’s catalogue in 2011 so it would seemingly have clear access to anything produced in conjunction with the work for the decade-ago release. (Promoted back as a “remaster” and not a “restoration,” as the difference in terminology suggests, it was done in either 2K or something akin to it. Either way, this new version is pretty great to look at. It has a good image and decent colors. The future sex-comedy impresario Stanley A. Long’s cinematography has not aged for one bit. Regardless of what some folks have claimed lately, boasting about a restoration done to the film in 2012 in late 2022 seems like an odd, if overly honest boast. But with the way film restoration technology keeps growing, perhaps I am lacking context.

The Blood Beast Terror, like everything else, has fans. I must admit that there is some inconceivable amount of appeal buried within the red paint used for blood, which back in the day was G-rated in the states, and the hidden monster which is never ever even seen until the very end. But diehard fans seem to be enthralled by it. Peter Cushing, rock-solidly welcome as ever, has plenty of screen time for fans to enjoy. Exuberating her displayed Cushing’s daughter Vanessa Howard does pep things up for some moments. For the most part, however The Blood Beast Terror hangs there like a suit of moth-eaten tweed.

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