Survivors (2015)


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At least in the UK, zombie and infectious films are mostly of the comedic variety, like Shaun of the Dead, Doghouse, and Cockneys vs Zombies. I’m not against those films, but is it just me who is tired of watching those types of films? If I am to be fair, there were movies such as 28 Days Later and Doomsday that removed the cheap laughs and substituted them with real tension and atmosphere. It’s safe to say that I haven’t seen a good example of the genre in a long time here in good old bloody Blighty. When I heard that Adam Spinks was offering his version of the genre with the Survivors, I was curious. Will this low-budget infection film surpass 28 Days Later, or am I expecting too much?

The story revolves around Kate (Joanne Gale, WebKam), a young amateur journalist, and her cameraman friend Duke (Simon Burbage, Zombie Resurrection) as they investigate the activities of a big company working for the government. The couple learns that the company is using human test subjects for their biological weapon.

To say that Survivors is interesting would be an understatement. It uses both found footage and traditional video techniques to tell its story. The found footage portions are effectively used as both flashbacks and as ways of setting the scene. As the film progresses, the footage begins to explain the events and the outbreak. I personally enjoy the subgenre of found footage films and for me, that part of the film works superbly with the rest of the film. A filmmaker deciding to merge both styles can sometimes lead to clumsy results, but in this case, the execution is remarkable. It might not be the most creative plot out there, but Spinks and his writing partner Laurence Timms (Persona) have done a solid film full of tension and is rather believable while also lacking the graphic violence most would expect. Gore aficionados might be disappointed. Instead of endless amounts of gory scenes and other means of violence, there is plenty of tension and real character development.

It’s pretty obvious there is a sense of dread throughout and even if it’s not a social statement like Dawn of the Dead or The Walking Dead, there are instances that make you realize that in cases of a mass outbreak, the uninfected can be equally perilous as the infected.

Knowing the approximate budget for this production is around £10,000 (per IMDb, at least), it is a cinematic experience in itself proving that irrespective of the budgetary constraints, a film that is visually stunning and genuinely atmospheric can be created. By no means is it perfect, but there is that genuine feeling that it is the end of the world. All in all, if you are looking for an infectious film that is subtle and still manages to pack an atmosphere, this is a fine example of the genre. Survivors may not be bloody or gory, or in your face with extreme action, but it is a refreshing take on a genre that we have become tired of. It is refreshing to see filmmakers (and everyone else in the production) like Spinks keeping the genre alive and fresh in the UK. I can safely say that this has been one of the most enjoyable and impactful infection films since 28 Days Later.

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