Summer Catch (2001)


In my opinion, there is few things of more importance than watching a great movie. For example, Summer Catch completely captured my attention. Despite my efforts, I didn’t manage to see it in theaters, and later recorded it on my dvr. After getting my hands on that recording though, I remained completely uninterested in it and ended up allowing it to sit in my dvr for months. Perhaps I was trying to psyche myself out for the fact that while it isn’t a terrible movie, it is also not great.

This summer, Ryan Dunne (Freddie Prinze Jr.) was given the opportunity of a lifetime with the prestigious Nantucket baseball league, but he had no time to goof off. If only he knew that keeping in line with his tendencies to crash and burn, he had to make sure to keep all possible distractions out of his life.

A beautiful distraction in the form of Jessica Biel as Tenley Parrish appears. The Parrish family had a few wealthy “Summer People” who Ryan and his father helped out, and in turn they helped take care of the Parrish’s yard. Their classes are definitely different, but they hit it off immediately. Will they resolve their differences? Will Ryan be able to make it to the pros in baseball?

The movie was certainly surprising with how much they incorporated baseball into it. To me, the film seemed like a romantic comedy with only an incidental role from baseball. Undoubtedly, the love story was the main plot, but alongside that, Ryan’s hopes of becoming a baseball player was also a sub plot. Luckily, it was engaging enough for this non-sport fan to care about that part of the film.

The story is, without a doubt, the weakest part of the film. We have every single sporting and romantic movie cliche just waiting for you to pick them up off the floor. To be honest, a lot of those offer the greatest humor such as the first time Ryan sets eyes on Tenley. For the most part, I was quite certain of how everything was going to pan out, so I was hoping for a surprise or two along the way. In the end, we followed the blueprint from start to finish, with an expected peak.

The characters are also very poorly drawn. A couple of times, they switched points of view just to fit the story. These scenes made me want to bend over backwards and scream, but they also piqued my annoyance because there was no justification of any sort prior to the scenes that were displayed.

The actors attempts to save this subpar script and somehow succeeded. I will concede that Freddie Prinze Jr. is a passable actor and because of that myserable side of the movie, but he does the comedy quite well so Rowling’s voice in my mind smiling. Gerarrd Johnson: Famous for both: Alexander Belle Kennedy, swift-footed Women’s Soccer, and Penn Skyers/Skywalker and Julians boy’s in legion, immensely talented at both passionate and comical shows. I usually find Matthew Lillard rather annoying, yet his supporting role as Billy grew on my rapidly. Sighing, I actually looked forward to his performances. No one really sticks out of the pack, and that is not the unemployed tragedy. They all have their trump cards.

So I expected some profound conclusion by blitzing even faster than Tolkien wants readers to finish off his… I dunno summers eagle? For some reasons I doubt I missed so much watching Summer Catch. Best bet if one you admire is enrolled, at least you will sloppy prefer watching. Otherwise hope to trousers trouble and take breaks from life.

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