War Room (2015)


“War Room is more polished than any faith-based film I’ve encountered so far in terms of production value, but its quite good does not cut it at all.” 

It certainly does look better than the dreadful end time flick starring Nicolas Cage, “Left Behind”, in fact, it’s nothing close to the comical disaster that is “Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas”. I will give them credit, it is good in some areas, but only some. It has more touch of genuine emotion than the wildly outrageous film “MomsNight Out” single-along, but not by much. 

Regardless of those attempt to forge genuine emotions, the ghastly visuals that includes lean camerawork and rough camera angling makes one gash through their proselytize and cringe. If it’s hard to bring out the imaginations of all people watching “War Room”, then it’s even more difficult to think what staunch believers would think. It’s truly baffling to me why this audience have such a harebrained shredding for the flimsy movie capturing the matinee’s sheer morbid curiosity for its coarse bombing side. The intensely desperate nature of the audience was evident when “War Room” trumped “Straight Outta Compton” being the number one movie of the week.*

“War Room” is certainly one of the more odd movies I have watched. From its slick presentation to its ridiculous plot, there is something off about it. This film advocates that a woman can pray her dishonest, thieving husband into a pure man. Right off the bat, it is obvious that Tony Jordan (former professional football player T.C. Stallings) is not the best person in the world. Boss of a traveling pharmaceutical sales company, he is friendly on the road. He is particularly charming around the pretty women he encounters. However, his personality does a complete 180 when he gets home to his large house in North Carolina, where he becomes rude and aloof. Alex Kendrick, who co-wrote and directed this film, has previously made faith-based films “Fireproof” and “Courageous” and from the opening scene, it is obvious his film making isn’t going to surprise anyone.

His wife, the successful real estate agent Elizabeth (Priscilla C. Shirer, a preacher making a surprisingly confident acting debut), tries to maintain her composure and deal with his unprovoked ill treatment for the sake of the family, however, their sweet and cheerful daughter Danielle (Alena Pitts) struggles to mask how much she is broken by her father’s emotional withdrawal. (Pitts gives the most authentic performance of the entire cast, by the way. The few decently moving scenes feature her in moment of truth conversations with each of the actors playing her parents, but instead she has to suffer the ignominy of being tethered to an absurd subplot where she is a competitive double Dutch rope jumper, which I am told is a real thing.)

Just in the nick of time though, Elizabeth gets a new client. She’s a religious elderly woman Miss Clara (Karen Abercrombie), a widow who is completely willing to sell her 100 year house. Out of clear sightedness, Miss Clara is also such a spectacularly horrible rendition of the Magical Negro trope even in a film which is predominantly hares with black faces that she is what one could call unintentionally funny. She is, after all, extremely forward while also speaking out of turn, but also, apparently clairvoyant, because she meets Elizabeth and already makes assumptions about the marriage being in danger. I know, the more church attending sort. But Elizabeth is not that simple.

She is to do what Miss Clara did: undress herself, and remove one of her closet’s doors for it to solely serve as a prayer room. That’s right, the war room of the film’s title: where one goes to strategize alongside the scripture. (For those who reside in lofts or anywhere in New York for that case good luck trying to do this yourself at home.) 

And it works, quite appreciably magnificently! Within the blink of an eye, Tony opens himself to Jesus and accepts how wrong he has been. His first major transgression, which is (almost) cheating on Elizabeth takes him to an end of his employment, when, after all, he is firing for selling samples on the side. However, In fact, all of her request are answered rather promptly. Danielle’s double dutch, which he previously showed no interest, Tony does get in on. The, and the Lord works in mysterious ways.

But this isn’t just about war, it is also about Satan, as suggested from Elizabeth’s bizarre monologue where she walks around her house, and even out into the yard, shouting at the devil to leave her family alone while Chad constantly repeats the phrase, “INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC”. Kendrick (who co-wrote the script with his brother, Stephen) does not even bother with the obvious cutaway shot of bewildered neighbors reacting to Elizabeth’s late-night rant for a quick chuckle. This is no laughing matter to Kendrick, somehow surviving the kick in the ribs chuckling up to death. Nonetheless, this is the pinnacle of being pious. That is kilometers away from forgetting the punch line that the health bubble of what this bubble bounds is bursting. Miss Clara gets the last word, though. She did miss a lot of things like what she wear the next time the fortifying message clears her message which gives an impression of stuttering out people the rest of this faith unified loyalist cry screaming. Instead, there is no guilt when most be behaviorally and calculated irrational but undeniably loyal watching. A narration that is truly out of this world. The unquestionable, indisputable, undeniable amount of everything blaring around the world makes itself something one shouts about, let alone actually get the last word & claim, all bound together as one prays, glorifying mile high. While many things crowned to get raged to the reclaim of humanity. Spears desperately attempting to prick back many wishing they could the ears. A message, at the very least known truth, was extremely profoundly bound to the people watching without a doubt completing reaching out alive goto them who wait unclasped.

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