Mama’s Boy (2020)


Mama’s Boy is a newly claimed horror short film conceived of, directed, and produced by Samantha Kolesnik. Instead of providing the premise with a basic statement, the film uses a question: “How can Joshua love himself and how will anyone ever love him if his own mother did not, in a society where the maternal bond is of the highest regard?”

The contributor in the world of indie horror is still a surprisingly undefined figure, which can be disheartening, and, I would argue, it should be. Contrary to my expectations of horror (I prefer fictionalized or fantastical elements), Kolensik gives a glimpse of what dark, real horror is; a sexualized maternal bond between mother and son. There is little in the world more irreproachably condemned, repulsive and deeply perturbing than a sexually abusive parent or pedophile, and Kolesnik takes the less traveled path—the mother and son whose dynamics are fraught with abusive relationships.

The film tells a compelling story concisely within 11 minutes but does contain some challenging scenes that need to be processed. Kolesnik manages to include multiple storylines and themes all in one frame, which deserves credit. The story is intense and dark, making it difficult to relate to for some but impactful nonetheless. This is the type of story that lives within your thoughts after you watch it.

Malcolm Mills has done a great job redeeming himself, as Joshua surely deserves some praise. He is the primary character who narrates the story and so he is the heart of the storyline. He appears to be a bit of a paradox. He is weak and submissive, but fiercely determined. His torturous experience has broken his frail mind, yet he possesses an unbreakable will and the ability to do anything for his friend. And I mean anything.

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