Translated title aside, “The Witch: Part 1. The Subversion”, is an Action/Horror/Sci-fi/Thriller from Korean Oscar-winning Park Hoon-Jung. If you don’t recognize Park Hoon-Jung’s name, then it is time for you to change that. Go watch the 2010 flick, “I Saw The Devil” because it is one of my favorite movies of all time and a solid representation of how South Korean Cinema has surpassed Hollywood. Korean films have a plot twist, there is no guarantee one is able to predict what is going to happen. The characters are multi-dimensional, the stories are multilayered and the camera work is always sharp and relentless. The is no hero and if there is, things are not as simple as they seem. The Witch is no different.
Set in a Korean city with a small population, the film revolves around Koo Ja Yoon, a teenage girl coming of age. Her family is struggling and her mother is now showing symptoms of dementia which is not helping at all. Bills are piling up and they can hardly make ends meet. In a desperate attempt, she auditions for a popular national televised talent show.
While the crests of joy from her successful audition become short lived as strangers begin to swarm the town, and who know more than Koo Ja does about herself. Killers who wish to obliterate eveything she cherishes. Will she be able to unlock the mystery that has been shackled in her childhood or will she be consumed by the impending darkness? Find out in The Witch: Subversion.
When Wtich Hunter Robin dame out it desrved a spot on my top 5 anime for all time. It’s beautiful and brutal tale of a young witch sanctioned by the government to hunt and kill other witches. Unlike many anime of its period, it has no over the top animation or comedy, but focuses on a very real world with consequences.
Please tell me you know who John Wick is, otherwise I question how you stumbled onto my website.
The best part is the combination of John Wick’s unbound action along with the mysterious, grimy tone of Witch Hunter Robin. On paper it makes no sense at all, but in practice, it just works.
It works completely.
My God, the production of the film is unbelievable.
Every single scene is breathtaking.
The South Korean aesthetic is clean and sharp, all of which can be seen through the set dressing, lighting, and costume design. The musical score and special effects are both impressively incorporated in a way that uplifts the strengths of the film.
It would mean nothing if the cast didn’t execute their roles as wonderfully as they did, which featured Kim Da-mi, Go Min-Si, Park Hee-Soon, and Jo Min-Su. I personally found Choi Woo-Shik’s performance to be the most impressive one. He was fantastic.
The first part is the only thing I can criticize about the film. The story continues beyond this point.
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