Two Mules for Sister Sara (1970)


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“Two Mules for Sister Sara,” directed by Don Siegel and released yesterday at Cinerama theater, promises to deliver on the expectations of a movie lover. It is a true blend of creativity and imagination, which makes it stand out. While it may not qualify as a great movie in my opinion, it is certainly good. It is the kind of film that stays with you and grows in your mind like other great films do. The film incorporates a wide range of features and characteristics that keep it charming, funny, cruel, and at times, terrifying. The most fascinating element that stands out, is the approach and perspective the film is made from. The intertwining and mixture of concepts, thoughts, events, and people yields a rich and complex narrative. There are two important characters. Hogan- an American mercenary fighting under the span of the Mexican patriot Juarez, played by Clint Eastwood. Sara is a nun and a staunch Juarista who gets saved from being assaulted by Ullites and finds herself in more trouble by the French. Her character is played by Shirley MacLaine.

As the title suggests, which I disapprove of , both rode off on horseback and mule on a journey that is partly escape from chasing soldiers and other threats, and partly a search to attack and ruin a French garrison at Chihuahua. Hogan and Sara (a great performance from Eastwood and Miss MacLaine) breathe a basic conflict of a person who works as a trade and a person who is dedicated to a calling.

But as with Sara, the issue is more complicated with Hogan because he keeps a stick of dynamite close to his heart like a nun with her cross and with her black gunpowder performs wonders. Meanwhile, Sara is most mysteriously spiritual at her most openly physical (and that is a paradox sustained by Ennio Morricone’s elegantly functional score), and it is paradoxical because this western adventure film is, as everything else, a mixture of complex, supple and deeply satisfying dialectics. In the development of principal themes and secondary worries, “Two Mules For Sister Sara,” feels mostly in the hands of Don Siegel (“Coogan’s Bluff”, “Madigan”, “Hell is for Heroes” ect.) and in narrative balance, quite in those of Budd Boetticker (“The Rise and Fall of Legs Diamond,” “Commanche Station”, etc, one of the better and more underrated later directors). I have no idea that the two men worked together, but I am very happy that both names are there. In this case, credit should surely go to the director and film editors (Robert Shugrue and Juan José Marino) and the great Mexican cameraman Don Gabriel Figueroa.

Figueroa captured Los Olvidados, Nazarin, Exterminating Angel, and Simon of the Desert within his frame, however, in comparison to my work with Luis Bunuel, I have not reached the artistic heights of his desert predator puppeteering in the opening titles of “Two Mules for Sister Sara,” or the prelude to the films’ climax and the stunning clarity of the Aguan mountain stronghold of Juarez. The Cast, Two Mules for Sister Sara with Don Slegel directing, screen play by Albert Maltz from the story by Budd Boetticher; photographs by Gabriel Figueroa, music by Ennio Morricone. Produced by Martin Rackin and Carroll Case, released by Universal-Malpaso, in association with Sanen Productions. At the Cinema Theater , Broadway and 47th St . Duration : Minutes 114 (The MPAA Motion Picture Production Code and Rating Administration put a classification of GP rating, meaning, all ages permitted, parental guidance recommended) Sara … Shirley MacLaine Hogan … Clint Eastwood Colonel Beltran … Manolo Fabregas General LeClaire … Alberto Morin

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