Atrocity (2014)


The movie Atrocity is crafted in the expected way as most found footage horror films are. Like most found footage horror movies, it is plagued by muddled visuals and has been supervised by a perplexedly incompetent script. If you are a budding murderer looking for a quick guide, Chimeneti will educate you on a crucial primary step which states, that the smaller the town, the more dysfunctional the policing. This type of bumpkin humor decorates the movie throughout making it an extremely dull and tender cinematic experience.

The horrid ordeal starts when Zack (Or Zach. I don’t know, I can’t find a damn character list anywhere) learns that his girlfriend is cheating on him and seeks revenge. Understanding that his girlfriend has been with a guy called Carl, Zack rounds up his five closest friends with the plan of dramatizing the popular show Cheaters by violating the “dumb slut” mid “bone” session with Carl.

The kids unreasonably erupt into violence against one another as it is revealed that all the videos are purely fabricated evidence, with the way in which they get there being more brutal than the video itself. The kids all get amped up due to the alcohol and the raging hormones in their bodies, with the ending being Zack is firmly set into the boxing ring, spitting blood and both sides of his face decorated with a crimson mark. The shouts of the drunk teenagers all blend together into a single register, attempting to drown out the cries of the professed Zack fan base. Zack’s girlfriend, Brittany, alleged claims of infidelity followed by a cacophony of mayhem, with Brittany fabricating the whole incident in a desperate attempt to land a punch on him. On the contrary, Zacks’s dastardly act of hooking up with Brittany’s best friend while believing she was cheating on him was apparent but not needlessly violent at least. Ben is what I like to refer to him as and Zack’s claim was always he was dealing with Carl as a stepfather and is quite firmly situated in the gay community.

This is where I say Chimenti takes the technological horror genre that seems to stem from films like Smiley, The Den, and Open Windows, and presents it with a unique perspective, which will foster a webisode-type experience, she promises, but the generic found footage we always complain about make up the climax of the film. For a brief moment, you think that Atrocity is going to breech and conceal the atrocity that they promised, but Chimenti does know that the audience has to be thrown a bone eventually it’s just unfortunate “eventually” means being put to sleep.

They are a bunch of first-time actors who are paraded as drunken morons doing the worst type of things parents are terrified their kids might do, driving while drunk, blowing coke, abusing weapons, spouting misogyny, abusing women, murdering people because that’s how every teenager in highschool behaves, right? These teenagers are a difficult bunch to accept, they are too young to scout, but too old not to find ridiculous, and their female counterparts do not offer any solace aside from petty, vicious, and bratty girls who are always willing to stab someone in the back- again, just like every teenage girl in high school, right? To put it simply, Atrocity is built on nasty, hateful stereotypes and does nothing but envision a world for the even uglier characters to settle in.

While there are fantasy replica weapons that can bring about genocide with a single terrifying explosion of aggression, all that follows is mind-numbing. The sheer amount of brain rot needed to comprehend the plot is staggering. You simply need to accept the lovely police admitting time and time again that they were outsmarted by teenagers who have access to iMovie, while they themselves gloss over all the missing footage.

Let’s actually go along with the idea that the footage of the maniacs committing violence is glossed over because the police orchestrating this hoax need plausible deniability. A stretch of the imagination, I know. Heck, let’s even pretend that the teenagers don’t pretend to be criminals and rather dabble in killing and cover-ups for fun. Even a hint of sophistication is revealed by a teenager holding an explosive-looking camera and claiming: “I’m going to let you in on how this is all going to be fabricated.” No. I cease communication with you. A kid hiding a dark secret is so monstrous that even whispering about it confounds me. Thinner than Kate Moss? Boy oh boy, I struggle. Atrocity is merely ghoulishingly pathetic. It is pulled apart by the weight of a major fashion show. Punching a hole into the poor sad excuse of a flesh covering feels more enjoyable than attempting to bite into a constructed caricature of the supermodel

Atrocity does everything possible to satisfy horror fandom by slipping in some Freddy Krueger references at the start while hinting toward real-life LARPing. However, I wouldn’t take a chance spending even a minute with these people-turned-future trainwrecks even if offered a billion dollars. When the children break into Brittany’s room shooting wildly, it generates very little excitement, and once the whole ‘who’s f#cking who!’ drama devolves into halfassed field interviews and an infuriatingly dumb case, Atrocity has stopped feeling like a movie. The temptation to hit the stop button will be VERY hard to resist. Atrocity features shocking acting with even more shocking scripts that result in an unnecessary act three that destroys any remaining sensations of completely mortifying abominable human nature like a magician attempting to pull a mess of plates off a table unsuccessfully. What a disaster

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