I Scream On The Beach! is by Alexander Churchyard and Michael Holiday. As many of the movies start, it appears to be modeled after 80s VHS horror. On a side note, it appears that it might be a tad different. A while back, I was presented with three trailers, of which one is a phony. But the other two are real stories, Dead Celebrities and The Mask Of Thorn. This encourages us to appreciate them and their compatriots who work independently.
When Emily was still a young girl, her father left her mother (Tess Gustard) and her, to fend for themselves. Now, she has a vastly different view. He gas-masked a man ripped from the middle of the ocean while a woman donning one murdered him. But she had no support, so when her manager Paula (Dani Thompson, Cute Little Buggers, Pumpkins) made a mockery of her, there was no one to aid her.
Something is troubling I cannot quite put a finger on. I assume it has all to do with the murder spate occurring at the Mellow Coast, and how Sister Abigail (Andrea Sandell, Acid Pit Stop, Patient Zero) seems to have copious links to this information. It almost looks like Dr. Lloyd (Lloyd Kaufman, The Litch, One Must Fall) is an alleged accomplice here as well.
Boasting a modulated style and muted audio, I Scream On The Beach! has that certain VHS aura that I consigned to the mid-90s. With the eloquence that I just refuse to believe in almost everything, there is a very good reason why Norman J. Warren (Satan’s Slave, Insemnoid) completed a film after Bloody New Year. These truly are some wonderful days.
Between too many tattoos and piercings that may not help, some details such as the Atlantean video from the Blind Dead trilogy seem immensely clever and serve to reinforce the Time capsule vibe. Most of it, however, I Scream On The Beach! Tracked over on the modern and managed to remain plausible.
When it comes to I Scream On the Beach!, the filmmakers never forget to keep it entertaining as a film first and a homage second. Some filmmakers get so caught up in the retro part, they forget to create a proper storyline. That’s not the issue here, as the story is captivating and culminates in a wonderfully deranged final act. One can even forbear it ending on a note that so many low-budget films, and even kids’ television shows made for monetarily constrained audiences, have ended on. If there is a sequel, it needs to resume right from here.
I Scream On The Beach! Debuted at this year’s Horror on Sea Festival, you can check the movie’s Facebook page on the showing later.
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